Puerto Vallarta has constant and renewed efforts to pick up garbage. The municipal government has a program to keep the beaches clean and the Directorate of Environment and Ecology have many programs that operate up and down the bay doing regular cleanups. It’s important that everyone tries to do their part, though obviously some feel they are exempt from responsibility. Some communities have organized seasonal projects to clean up neighborhoods with groups of citizens and residents who make a daily effort to keep our beaches, parks and streets clean.
What can you do?
Make sure when you put your household trash out for collection that it’s in a heavy duty plastic bag and tightly tied shut. Don’t place items on top of piles that will invite stray dogs, cats and wild animals to begin digging. We have so often seen garbage sitting atop a bag with food items exposed, chicken bones, dry tortillas crumbling, cans with food residue that haven’t been rinsed or bagged.
Posters on Facebook and other social media sites who add photos of piles of garbage aren’t really helping the situation. If your Spanish language skills aren’t up to spiff, find someone who can help you communicate and do a little research. After asking, we found out that garbage pickup in our colonia happens on certain days, at exact hours. We had a hard time believing this so we watched to see what would happen on that given schedule and were amazed at the punctuality and efficiency. The garbage collector also made the extra effort to chase after fluttering pieces of trash that went astray. That impressed us and though not all city employees will be as diligent, it’s pleasing to know there are some who truly care.
Instead of complaining about the amount of plastic bottles, floating grocery bags and OXXO cups, grab your own trash-bag and take a walk. Wear protective gloves and pick up whatever lays in your path. There are empty lots in Puerto Vallarta that are open dumping grounds. Don’t be afraid to wear some closed toe shoes and buy or borrow a rake if you haven’t one of your own. Make an effort to assist your community in its beautification. Pickup after yourself at the beach and park; take whatever trash that isn’t yours in a decided radius. Be a part of the solution. Setting an example is the best way to get things done, and others as sure to follow your lead.
Que es cómo es.