Successful Puerto Vallarta Real Estate Fair 2015

Once again the third annual Vallarta Real Estate Fair held Saturday March 28th offered many local residents, tourists, buyers and sellers of real estate the information they were looking for.

Puerto vallarta real estate fair

With a great attendance many visitors to the Fair were thrilled with the information that was available on such topics as available healthcare, insurance, property management and rentals, interior design solutions, title and escrow services, real estate photography, dental care, investment banking in Mexico, accounting and legal services.

Puerto vallarta real estate fair

With two sessions of conferences participants had the opportunity to ask the professionals about changes in Mexico’s Capital Gains tax laws, Mortgages for the foreign buyer, how to handle Capital Gains tax in the US on the sale of your Mexican vacation home, how to handle rental income in Mexico and the US, and who needs to report foreign bank accounts to the IRS. Also available were professionals to help prepare attendees to successfully rent their vacation homes and explain what pitfalls to look for in property management.

Puerto vallarta real estate fair

The 2014 Real Estate Market report was also an interesting part of the conferences showing the participants where the Bay of Banderas market was last year and what are the current market trends for 2015. The good news was very well received!

Puerto vallarta real estate fair

When the local Puerto Vallarta community comes together it is always fun but the opportunity to get important information to help improve your Puerto Vallarta lifestyle and make your real estate investment experience satisfying and enjoyable at the same time is fantastic. Timothy Real Estate Group hopes to see you next year at the 2016 Vallarta Real Estate Fair.

Timothy Real Estate Group is a locally-owned and operated real estate brokerage with a strategic location in the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta in the Colonia Emiliano Zapata. Because the Puerto Vallarta area has varying neighborhood personalities, we practice localized real estate. We believe neighborhood knowledge is a top factor in solid sales, and we know our communities well.

We enable our clients to realize their vision for the future.  We understand and plan for their concerns and are dedicated to transforming those concerns to peace of mind and joy.

Our philosophy of transparency, integrity, and professionalism imbues our culture with a tangible sense of purpose and results in the length and depth of the quality relationships we enjoy.  We believe buying or selling a home is first and foremost about people. Of course we have the latest technology, marketing tools, statistics and research, but a successful real estate transaction really comes down to people. Connecting the right buyers to sellers or investors our professional agents structure solid transactions with successful solid outcomes.  We believe in collaboration by connecting people in ways that bring satisfaction and success.

When you combine extensive local knowledge and our long standing reputation for honesty and sound judgment, you have an unbeatable resource at your disposal.  You have Timothy Real Estate Group, a constant leader in Puerto Vallarta real estate.

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